Kambo Benefits:
Kambo is believed to reset the body to its’ original authentic state. Also known as Sapo Dow-kiet, it is traditionally used in three ways. Firstly: as a way to cleanse, strengthen and energise the mind and bodies of the hunters. After taking Kambo, they were able to run faster, for longer, eat less, sleep less and for a period of time, they believed they would be invisible to the animals they were hunting; because Kambo takes away the human smell for a while. You may hear Kambo referred to as ‘Hunting Magic’. Secondly: it has been used as a medicine, for malaria, fever, infections and snakes bites. Thirdly: it has been used to clear away dark energy known as ‘Panema’. When Panema is cleared, everything comes easier, obstacles can be overcome and life flows more naturally. Anecdotally, there are stories of Kambo being used for fertility, abortion, behavioural correction and sexual attraction. Also believed to assist with some short term and or temporary dis-eases, and some long term and or chronic dis-eases. It seems to contribute to ones original and authentic alignment, depending on the recipient, conditions presented and state of being.
Kambo Contraindications:
- Serious heart problems: bypass surgery, valve replacement, pacemaker, enlarged heart
- Had a stroke
- On medication for low blood pressure
- Have had a brain haemorrhage
- Have had aneurisms or blood clots
- Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
- Have serious mental health issues excluding depression, anxiety and PTSD
- Have undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy, for four to six (4-6) weeks afterward
- Taking immune-suppressants for organ transplant
- Women who are pregnant or may be so
- Women who are breast feeding a child under six (6) months old
- Have Addison’s disease
- Have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
- Have current and severe epilepsy
- Currently recovering from a major surgical procedure
- Under eighteen (18) years old
- Animals
- Have had a psychotic episode in the past five (5) years
Kambo Cautions:
- On immune-suppressants for auto immune disorders
- On supplements
- On slimming, serotonin or sleeping supplements
- Active drug or alcohol addiction
- Long term or water fasting must be discontinued 7 days before and after taking Kambo, other than the required fasting before taking Kambo
- Colonics, enemas, liver flushes or any water based detox should be avoided within three (3) days before and after taking Kambo
***The onus is on each and every (potential) Kambo recipient, and as a disclaimer, to invite independent and individual research on Kambo prior to treatment, with emphasis on the effects and benefits during and after the actual Kambo treatment; with further in-depth emphasis on Its’ impact, and potential impact on ones current individual physical state, state of wellness/dis-ease and overall state of being.